Tag Archives: confidence

A Confident Woman

Beaver River Falls, Minnesota

Beaver River Falls, Minnesota

Confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do — and not worrying over what you can’t do. A confident person is open to learning, because she knows that her confidence allows her to walk through life’s doorways, eager to discover what waits on the other side. She knows that every new unknown is a chance to learn more about herself and unleash her abilities.

~  Joyce Meyer ~




Cascade River State Park, Minnesota

Cascade River State Park, Minnesota

“In quietness shall be your strength,”
Rely upon His Word;
Though endless seems the battles length,
Be sure your prayers are heard.

The conflict rages all about,
But there is peace within
The heart that trusts in God shall rout
The enemy and win.

Be confident, the Lord is near,
The foe is great and fierce,
But God is mightier, no fear
Can his bright armor pierce.

By  ~  Mildred E Christie

Grace in Defeat

This photo says it all. As the king of the halfpipe, Shaun White, relinquishes his crown and exits in grace while in the background the new king, Switzerland’s Iouri Podladtchikov, emerges. As I watched the video it was a stunning scene watching Shaun gracefully leave the stage while from behind him Iouri emerges raising his arms in joy. Shaun White introduced us to snowboarding and made me realize there is more to the Winter Olympics than figure skating. Shaun is an incredible athlete and while disappointed he handled his loss with strength and grace.

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We all face defeat. We all have our confidence shaken. But like Shaun White we should accept these defeats with grace, acknowledging our own mistakes and not adopting a spirit of blame. If we let our defeat shake our confidence the result is often low self esteem and crippling fear. The rigorous training athletes endure helps them to shake off defeat. We could all benefit from athletic training to run our life race by handling our challenges with grace.

Confident Strength

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“We need to have a sense of triumph. Sometimes our confidence is shaken when trials come, especially if they are lengthy. We should have so much confidence in God’s love for us that no matter what comes against us, we know deep inside that we are more than conquerors. Be confident that during the trial, you will learn something that will help you in the future.“

~ ~  Joyce Meyer  ~ ~